"History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake."

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Prop 19

So Prop 19 lost. I have to say that, though disappointed, I'm not surprised. It seems like legalization is the rational thing to do given the large-scale civil disobedience going on concerning cannabis use. There's so many arguments in favor of cannabis legalization, and they have been enumerated so many places, that I hesitate to go into them here. Let me just point out that, like the woman in the photo above, drug prohibition doesn't work. As with alcohol prohibition, it merely forces use underground where organized crime can exploit it. Were we to legalize cannabis, the Mexican cartels would be crippled since much of their activities are funded by pot smuggling. Also, Prohibition makes criminals out of casual and medical users who, quite rightly, form a contempt for the law. Cannabis has a long history, and its criminalization is a recent thing. It is not nearly as destructive as other drugs or, even, alcohol. It also has beneficial effects medically. For those of us who value personal liberty and freedom from overbearing interference by government, its continued criminalization is foolish and offensive. Too bad this rational measure was defeated. Another reason to distrust the "will of the people."

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