"History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake."

Friday, August 19, 2011

A Guilty Pleasure

Yes, I know...pure crap. But what excellent, fun crap it is! Like my love for John Carter of Mars, Conan holds certain pleasures and attractions not to be found in your typical Merchant-Ivory or Masterpiece theater endeavor. This kind of stuff allows me the vicarious thrill of slaughtering my enemies without lifting a finger - kind of like the phoney danger of a roller coaster. And it belongs to one of my favorite genres of film and fiction: fantasy. Of course, "The Lord of the Rings" lives on a much higher plane, but it, too, has its escapist and brutal allure - enough to piss off literary critics. This type of entertainment exists to take us out of ourselves Plus, like all other fantastic fare, it disguises its more serious intent: to analyze and explore grand human themes in the most imaginative and entertaining way possible (although it's really disguised here!). In fact, this type of story-telling existed far earlier than the serious, character-driven stuff which has established itself as legitimate art. Sure, this isn't "The King's Speech", but it has it's place as well. Besides, it features a hot, near-naked man. So, enjoy!

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